D-700---some text is way too small


New Member
Dec 29, 2009
On the map (serious problem): airport identifiers, VORs, and fix text is too small---can't read it---and not usable (the magenta airport ID makes it worse).  I won't be able to buy the upgrade to the map if not fixed----I won't be able to read any of the data.  Of note, I drive a Cozy---so the eye to panel distance might be a little further than normal----so Cozy guys----I would REALLY recommend getting the larger unit.

On the primary flight display (can live with it): command alt and airspeed digital display, Density alt is too small (but legible). The nav source and nav radio ID is way too small (also the color does not help---but understand the color choice)---but if I really try hard, I can read it.

My suggestion (in keeping both the D700 and 1000 in the same configuration) and in keeping it fairly simple:

-Include a way in the set up screen to increase the font size on selected blocks of text.  For example, all of the command information could be all "one block" and all of the nav source info could all be one block and all of the map text could be one block.

-I had the BM lite---much smaller display---could read with no problem.  Their unit had several ranges of declutter that was easy to step thru to get rid of or add background maps and text.

Also of note: did my first practice ILS----this system makes it so easy that instrument proficiency checks should be a thing of the past (will never happen---but it is that easy). Can hardly wait for the flight director and HITs------will make your system that is already easy to fly even easier. Thanks Dynon


New Member
Oct 19, 2009
I agree Drew, they could certainly be a bit bigger. 63yr old eyes don't work quite as well as they use too. However, like you, I'm really impressed so far, as I have about 20hrs on it an for the most part, works really well.


New Member
Dec 7, 2009
I support those views. We don't have the aviation map in this part of the world, but fields like nav source are really marginal on my 7" unit.

I'd also like to see the ASI limitation colour bars more prominent. Am I really the only person in the world to want this?



I agree completely, everything was to small for my eyes, I ended up returning it for the 10"
