D10 A & EMS D10


philip keir(Guest)

Have you considered incorporating "winds aloft, speed & direction" in the software, when the D10A can be fed a G.P.S. signal?

What is the time frame before you have developed the software for the EMS -D10 can accept a G.P.S. signal, to display miles/kilometres and gallons/litres required to Waypoint? and possibly miles per gallon etc. (similar to the J.P.I. FS-450 Fuel Scan)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Philip,

We are planning on implementing the fuel/waypoint features, although I'm afraid we don't have a timeframe for you yet. They are part of our next planned major software release for the EMS.

We are also considering a number of enhancements to our EFIS Software, and wind info could happen there, especially once we get GPS into the system somewhere and the EMS and EFIS can share this data.