D100 and SL30


New Member
Jun 27, 2007
I am now flying my newly built Sportcruiser with a D100 and a D120
and I am very happy with the kit. I had the basic avionics loom made up and the Garmin 295 GPS and SL30 Nav/Com where wired up. if you put a route in the GPS it shows on the HSI of the D100 but I cannot get anything on the HSI from the SL30. I am going to have the wiring check but is there something obvious I should try. How do you switch from the GPS to the SL30

Thanks in advance your help in the past has been great



New Member
Apr 2, 2007
The Pilots guide tells you how to select the source for the HSI starting on page 6-9.

You must change it to NAV to get anything out of the SL30.

You must also have the SL30 properly connected and the correct settings setup in it and the D100 it is connected to.
This is covered in the install manual 3-4 & 3-6.

I am now flying my newly built Sportcruiser with a D100 and a D120
and I am very happy with the kit. I had the basic avionics loom made up and the Garmin 295 GPS and SL30 Nav/Com where wired up. if you put a route in the GPS it shows on the HSI of the D100 but I cannot get anything on the HSI from the SL30. I am going to have the wiring check but is there something obvious I should try. How do you switch from the GPS to the SL30

Thanks in advance your help in the past has been great



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Where are you connecting the SL30? On the SL30's setup, make sure you have indicator head type set to "none". On the Dynon side, make sure that the serial port is set to "Auto" (if you're testing on the same port that you have the GPS coming into) or SL30 (only if that port is only ever used for the SL30). Ideally, by the way, you want one device coming into your EFIS, and the other to your EMS. Then, you just use your BRGSRC button on the HSI menu to toggle between the two.


New Member
Jun 27, 2007
I have checked what I can and it seems to be set up as you said to have it. I believe the SL30 was wired to the D100 and the GPS to the D120 I know that's how I asked for it to be. I know I am being dim but I cant seem to get to an option for nav source exactly what stages should i go through on the menu structure to get to HSI and Nav source



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
When the HSI is up, press a button that is under the HSI. If the HSI is on a D100 and is 1/3 screen on the right, this is button 5. If you're on a D10A, any button but 1 or 6 will bright up the menu.

You should now have a menu that is mostly blank, but one button will be NAVSRC. Press this to toggle through currently active navigation sources.


New Member
Jun 27, 2007
I tried getting to nav source but when I go through the stages only a bugs menu is displayed. Do you think this indicates a wire problem between the SL30 and the D100. One thing i realised I had not done while I was trying it was turn the GPS on am I right in thinking the Nav Source option is only there if the Dynon can see a source.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Yes, the NAVSRC button is only there if there is some source connected. What you're seeing implies the Dynon unit is not receiving serial data from the SL30 or is not looking for it. To take care of the latter possibility, I'd check and make sure that you don't have the local serial port under SETUP>HSI set to NMEA when you have the SL30 connected. It need to be set to either AUTO or explicitly to SL30.