D100 AP Engaged with CWS


New Member
Dec 31, 2007
My configuration: 'HOLD TO ENGAGE' = Y, CWS = 'Y' and CWS Mode = 'HOLD HDG/ALT'.

The AP is engaged at the current HDG and ALT when I press (and hold) the CWS button. If I disengage the AP, fly for awhile, then press the CWS button, the AP engages at the new HDG and ALT. This is what I'd expect.

It behaves a little different if my last mode engaged in NAV and ALT. In this case, upon re-engaging the AP it does not engage with my current HDG and ALT but engages to the NAV and current ALT. Is this the intended behavior?

What I would like is the AP to always engage with current HDG and current ALT when I press the CWS button (if the AP was not engaged prior).