D100 Compass Heading/OAT Issue


New Member
Jan 8, 2008
Installed the D100 a couple years ago. It hasn't been calibrated and using the Dynon harness. EFIS compass heading and OAT were fine during many hours of testing while building the panel until a few weeks ago. After a few minutes, the compass heading would jump from 128 deg to 278 and the OAT would go to 102. Checked the wiring and reseated the connectors. No change. Now it never shows the normal heading or OAT. I have a D180 that works fine. Can I swap EDCs between the D100 and D180? They're both 3 wire and have the same revision.


New Member
Jan 8, 2008
Looks like things have narrowed down. The EDC uses serial communications like RS-232/V.24 which has 3 modes. It works, it doesn't work and errors. If there were a problem in the wiring, 2 of these options would be available. Doesn't work means no compass detected and errors could mean the compass and OAT would be all over the place or no compass detected. The D100 in this case acts as if the reference was moved. When the OAT reads 102, it can't be adjusted back to ambient. Not enough adjustment allowed. Looks like either a failed D100 or EDC.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Looks like things have narrowed down.  The EDC uses serial communications like RS-232/V.24 which has 3 modes.  It works, it doesn't work and errors.  If there were a problem in the wiring, 2 of these options would be available.  Doesn't work means no compass detected and errors could mean the compass and OAT would be all over the place or no compass detected.  The D100 in this case acts as if the reference was moved.  When the OAT reads 102, it can't be adjusted back to ambient.  Not enough adjustment allowed.  Looks like either a failed D100 or EDC.

WStafford has been in touch with Tech Support, and we'll have a look at his D100 and compass.