D100, D10A, AP-74 + Garmin 396 Install Questions


Apr 26, 2008
I'm doing a panel upgrade for an RV-6 as follows:

Currently have a D100 and Garmin 396 in flying panel.
Just purchased a D10A and ordered servos and AP-74 at SnF (I'm #2 on Gulf Coast's delivery list, so I'm told!)
Also purchased a Garmin SL-40 and GMA340 (yep, broke again!)

I want to be smart in planning the wiring, so here come the Q's (sorry in advance for the length).

1. I've read that only one EFIS can run the AP. I'll be primarily using the D100 as a PFD and the D10A as an HSI (and backup PFD). I plan to have the D100 run the AP. Can I connect the 396 blue wire to both the D100 and the D10A (via DSAB?) and get the GPS track info (magenta CDI) to both, or do I have to choose one?

2. Can I send the 396 track info to both the D100 and D10A (if possible per #1 above) and the 396 comm frequency info to the SL-40 (is the NMEA info from the blue wire compatible for all 3)? (I'll be asking Garmin the same Q on Monday).

3. I read the thread here about 5 wires for the AP system. WRT the disconnect, will the AP install guide direct where I route the ground from the stick grip button to disconnect the servos (is that how it's best done?)

4. From same 5-wire thread, I noted the audio out line. I don't have a Dynon EMS (plane came with a VM-1000), but am planning to add an AOA pitot. Will this audio out wire be the one that carries AOA warnings, and will it be the only wire I need to route to the GMA340? Will any other audio be available, given my setup (AP messages of any sort?)

5. Lastly, for servo selection, though my plane is an RV-6, it was built from the ground up as a Super 6, with rocket wings (clipped), beefed up construction throughout, and an IO-540. It has Rocket-like speeds and weights (1900# Max GW). What servo would you recommend for this install?

Thanks very much! I'm very excited about the new AP and all my Dynon gear, and appreciate all the info you can provide!



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: D100, D10A, AP-74 + Garmin 396 Install Questio


We have a network we call "DSAB" - Dynon Smart Avionics Bus.

Over this bus, we share lots of info. Because of this, you need only hook your 396 to one of your EFIS units. That EFIS will share everything to the other unit. You can then display anything anywhere. In your case, hook it to the D100.

Only one EFIS in the system can control the AP, but this is defined by software, not wiring. Both EFIS units and the servos are on the same bus, so you just choose which one is the controller when you go through a software menu. Technically this is only an issue if one EFIS fails- when both are working, both have the AP menu and can control the AP.

You can split the wire from the 396 between the EFIS and the SL-40 no problem.

For the disconnect wire, just wire it to a local ground. Nothing special here.

The Audio only comes out if you have an AP74 control module. If you do have this, it's mostly AoA alarms. We might add AP messages in the future.

We really don't have the knowledge yet to help you with servo selection for a custom plane like that. I'd guess the standard SV32 (30 in-lb) servo for the RV-6 will work fine, but you may find that the SV42 (40 in-lb) servo works better if your controls are a lot heavier than a standard RV.


Apr 26, 2008
Re: D100, D10A, AP-74 + Garmin 396 Install Questio

Thanks...great reply! Believe I have it:

- Split blue wire on 396 to pin 22 on the D100, and to the SL-40. Good to go for "simo" track and frequency transmissions to the different units.
- DSAB connection provides shared track data to D100 and D10A.
- With DSAB, either the D100 or D10A can control the AP (didn't expect that, pretty cool!)
- AP-74 provides increased AP controls and hdg bug control (plus a more direct AP interface). I did order the AP-74.
- AP-74 will route audio outputs (AOA plus possible future AP messages) to audio panel. One connection does all...great!
- AP disconnect a straight forward ground.
- I'll check with TT to see what servo torque capability of theirs they would recommend for a my a/c or a rocket, and select the 30# or 45# version of your servos as appropriate.

Thanks again very much!

Any updates on when your servos and AP-74 might be available for shipping?
