d100 / d120 firmware


I love flying!
Mar 12, 2012
I have D120 which has been returned from repair and has Fw ver 5.4.0 , now it does not communicate with D100 efis
which has Fw ver 01.08.
does the firmware in my efis D100 now need to be updated ?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It does. And, that version that you have previously may be old enough such that you'll need to adjust the way that you units are connected. In particular, make sure that the DSAB wires are connected, and then after your EFIS is up-to-date there is a quick set of button pushes that you'll need to perform to get the D100/D120 talking again. It's all covered in the current Installation Guide, but feel free to give us a call at 425-402-0433 if you want a bit of help with it. Also, we've added a bunch of features since 1.08, so you should download a copy of the latest user guide from http://docs.dynonavionics.com/ and see what's new!