D100 encoder


New Member
Jan 13, 2008
I have a Bendix King KY76c Transponder, does anyone know whether I need the Encoder expansion module or will the existing built-in encoder work for this Transponder.
I will be installing a D100 in my RV9A. Also, any thoughts on NOT installing a backup Altimeter and ASI.....just the D10O?? seems that a lot of builders say IT IS neccessary to have these two backup instruments!
Would appreciate any feedback from builders who have dealt with these issues.
Many thanks.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2005
Tucson, AZ
You will need the Encoder module. Only the Garmin 327 and 330 transponders have a serial altitude input, so for all other transponders you will need the Dynon module.

If you are flying day VFR the D100 by itself, with the internal battery backup, would be sufficient instrumentation for me. I have flown my Dynon EFIS for over 750 hours with no problems or errors. Think of it this way, if you had a standard mechanical instrument six pack, you would only have one altimeter and one airspeed indicator. I figure that if I was flying Day VFR and lost my EFIS completely, I would still be perfectly capable of flying and landing my airplane. If you fly with a GPS, then you do have some altitude and airspeed backup, just be sure you understand the "errors" inherent in GPS info.

However, if flying at night or IFR, then I would like to have some backup, either the old steam gauges or a second EFIS. Personally, I use a second EFIS with internal battery backup to give me complete redundancy of all flight functions.

Best Regards,
Mel Jordan