D100 on PA-28 140?


New Member
Feb 21, 2008
Hello everyone!

I'll go straight to the point. I fly a Piper Cherokee 140 and I'm seriously considering investing on the D100 for the plane. I would like to know if there would be any "major adjustments" to make it work for the aircraft. Please discuss it with me so I can be sure there won't be any hiccups in the future. Thanks, Dynon! So far, your products promise a lot for less value. All the best!

Greetings from the Philippines' Queen City of the South, Cebu...


New Member
Jun 26, 2006
I think most folks are holding back from responding to this post because it's one that has some very grey areas. The Dynon will undoubtedly work well in a Cherokee 140, and with no real special adaptations. If it will work in a homebuilt it will work in a certified airplane.

What most folks around here are probably thinking about are the certification issues. The Dynon products do not carry a TSO and as such cannot be used in place of TSO'd flight instruments in a certified aircraft. If your local airworthiness authority has a method of approving the installation of a Dynon for either primary or backup instrumentation then it would be a great box to have installed in a Cherokee, or any other plane for that matter. There are some posters on this forum that have installed a Dynon EFIS in a certified airplane in the US, but I believe only as backup instrumentation (I could be wrong on this, so I'm hoping somebody on here will correct me if I am).


New Member
Feb 21, 2008
I guess my fears of it not having TSO is becoming real. That was what i was worried about since i was planning on putting it up for primary and the TSO'd instruments would be as back up... Thanks for the reply!