I've just completed the wiring on my installation (d100 D120 hs34)
Its been turned off and on a number of times with no issues
However two nights ago, I went to the shop to get some work done, flipped on the master and the D100 did not turn on. The other units did.
Cycled the master with no change. Cycled it again while looking at the d-100 and noticed a brief dim flash of the screen. Master off, Tried to power it up off of the internal battery with no response.
Master on again and this time it come alive with the dynon screen and then EFIS screen but 30 seconds later blink gone again
Master off I start looking.
Thinking I have a wiring issue I disco the 25pin connector and try again to bring it up on the battery No Response.
Reconnect the 25 pin then master on and all units come up. I hate intermittents.
Leave everything running walk to do something else and after about a minute I hear the aircraft announce "DSAB Error"
Back to the panel everything is still running but the HS-34 is lit up like it has no DSAB connection. While standing there the EMS starts sending EGT CHT and oil alarms because the engine is not running and these DO NOT SHOW UP ON THE EFIS only the EMS
Clearly the DSAB is not talking.
Cycle the master again all units up but the HS34 does not connect and the EFIS and the EMS aren't sharing.
Menus on the EFIS to DSAB configure EFIS says its not configured
HMMM IT was....
Configure the DSAB all devices found all talk nice. Very Odd
Cycle the master a whole bunch of times the rest of the evening everything works as advertised.
Shut the aircraft down and returned to the shop this morning
Master on no EFIS but it always does the dim blink on master on (will not start on battery) Cycle the master a number of times sometimes it will start but not stay running but usually no start Did see some strange screen glows a few times
External buss voltage is never lower than 11.8 and the internal battery shows 16.1V when the EFIS does start
When I installed the units and did my initial config I had version 4.2 installed on the units. All thru the testing and install I had no issues. Last weekend I moved the software to all units to 5.1.1. There were no issues at all with the load and I made a backup of all units before I loaded 5.1.1
OK What Next???
Its been turned off and on a number of times with no issues
However two nights ago, I went to the shop to get some work done, flipped on the master and the D100 did not turn on. The other units did.
Cycled the master with no change. Cycled it again while looking at the d-100 and noticed a brief dim flash of the screen. Master off, Tried to power it up off of the internal battery with no response.
Master on again and this time it come alive with the dynon screen and then EFIS screen but 30 seconds later blink gone again
Master off I start looking.
Thinking I have a wiring issue I disco the 25pin connector and try again to bring it up on the battery No Response.
Reconnect the 25 pin then master on and all units come up. I hate intermittents.
Leave everything running walk to do something else and after about a minute I hear the aircraft announce "DSAB Error"
Back to the panel everything is still running but the HS-34 is lit up like it has no DSAB connection. While standing there the EMS starts sending EGT CHT and oil alarms because the engine is not running and these DO NOT SHOW UP ON THE EFIS only the EMS
Clearly the DSAB is not talking.
Cycle the master again all units up but the HS34 does not connect and the EFIS and the EMS aren't sharing.
Menus on the EFIS to DSAB configure EFIS says its not configured
HMMM IT was....
Configure the DSAB all devices found all talk nice. Very Odd
Cycle the master a whole bunch of times the rest of the evening everything works as advertised.
Shut the aircraft down and returned to the shop this morning
Master on no EFIS but it always does the dim blink on master on (will not start on battery) Cycle the master a number of times sometimes it will start but not stay running but usually no start Did see some strange screen glows a few times
External buss voltage is never lower than 11.8 and the internal battery shows 16.1V when the EFIS does start
When I installed the units and did my initial config I had version 4.2 installed on the units. All thru the testing and install I had no issues. Last weekend I moved the software to all units to 5.1.1. There were no issues at all with the load and I made a backup of all units before I loaded 5.1.1
OK What Next???