D10A Altitude correction


New Member
Aug 9, 2006
The altitude correction/offset on my D10A was minus several hundred feet to achieve the field elevation with correct baro set and the unit was returned to Dynon for repair about a year ago. When the unit was returned, the offset was only about minus 20 feet and remained there until recently. Now, I've noticed that the field elevation is wrong when the correct baro is entered. The offset was adjusted to minus 80 feet to get the correct altitude indication. The offset drift doesn't seem right. Has anyone else noticed this problem?

Best regards,

Bill Gill
RV-7 N151WP
Lee's Summi, MO


New Member
Nov 1, 2009
My D10A has had a -30ft correction since installed in March. It is stable and the static system was just tested per IFR FAA biannual. No leaks. Don't know what the Dynon limits are but if the correction is stable i.e. stays the same day to day and constant with altitude and temperature change, may be OK. For what it's worth...Jack L


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The adjustment is there to account for any drift that happens over time. So an occasional setting of this adjustment isn't completely unexpected. Keep in mind that altitude WILL change as the unit comes up to temperature, so make sure you've had it on for 10-15 minutes before making any of these adjustments. However, if you find that you're needing to dial in a different ALTADJ from day to day, then there's something up with the sensor, and we ought to look at a unit behaving that way.