D10A firware update failure, help!


I love flying!
Feb 16, 2015
Fort Worth, Tx
I backed up my D10A with no problem. Then I got this message "Servo serial number 6735: Error connectiong to Servo, unable to communicate with chip #1

after trying again, I now get efis-d10a unable to communicate with chip #4.

It looks like it has lost communication with the serial port (using com3) now it can't find the d10a and is not even giving the found instrument connected message. The d10a is stuck on the yellow "if update dails call dynon " screen.

prolific usb to serial. win7 same setup I have used many times in the past.

btw using newer windows 10 asus laptop - could not get serial to connect at all. Call in to dynon support but thought maybe I would get a faster response through the forum

system is D10 as bus master and two servos.



Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
So if you were just doing a "detect firmware version" and weren't actually pushing an update to the device, you can safely power down/up the EFIS and expect it to come back online. This will require either disconnecting the internal battery or letting it run down if you have one.

Beyond that, those errors can imply that there is something wrong with your EFIS's communication system. It could also mean serial communication problems, but if you've had a system in place (PC + USB cable) that's worked previously, I'd mostly discount that possibility.

If you haven't gotten ahold of them already, do touch base with our support team at 425-402-0433 for further help with this issue.


I love flying!
Feb 16, 2015
Fort Worth, Tx
at the end of the day I was able to update the efis and the roll servo, but got errors trying to write the update to the pitch servo. EFIS hangs on the yellow screen but after cycling power it starts up normally with the exception of ERR on the pitch servo status. DSAB screen shows that pitch servo still needs update. Dynon tech support said to try disconnecting the roll servo (successfully updated ) and then repeat the update on the EFIS - same result, hangs on the servo update.

I am very sure that it is not the usb to serial cable or the computer as I just finished updating the firmware on a second D10A in the same airplane. I started this project because I got a second D10A and needed to have all firmware match for DSAB to connect. Also, we had the random problem of the D10A losing communications with a Garmin GPS155XL causing autopilot to fail to track mode from nav mode.

I know that the latest firmware fixes the problem as we had the same issue on one of our other airplanes with the same setup. We have three wittman tailwinds in the family. All of which are Dynon equipped.

Any ideas which will save me from pulling the servo out for return and repair would be greatly appreciated.



Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
I wish I had a better idea. If you were able to do any update at all, it's not the serial connection between the EFIS and the computer causing the issue, as you've already surmised.

Another thing to try, since you have another D10A, is to wire the servo's DSAB to it (exclusively). Essentially, try to update it via a the other EFIS.