D10A  False Attitude/Turn Coordinator indicat


New Member
Jul 4, 2007
I am new to the D10A (it is installed in my 2005 Flight Design CTSW. The attitude indicates about 30 degrees of bank, and the ball is about 3 "out" to the right. This is when sitting still and level on the ground. It appears to be about the same amount out in flight.

I can't really be sure that it hasn't been like this since I took delivery, but I feel it has certainly gotten worse lately.

I was reading a thread about pitot issues causing a similar problem. I did fly one flight with the pitot cover on. Will this cause this problem (even weeks later)? Is there a reset I need to perform?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: D10A False Attitude/Turn Coordinator ind

There's no reset you can perform and flying with the pitot covered won't cause any problems for more than the first few minutes of the next flight.

If it shows 30 degrees of bank on the ground, while not moving, it's broken. You'll need to send it back to us. Please send us a private message or give us a call to get an RMA number.