D10A roll attitude is not level at power up.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
My RV-9A is approaching its first flight.  My D10A was upgraded to firmware 5.1.1 about 3 years ago.  The upgrade did not complete properly and the unit was returned to you for a factory firmware upgrade.  The D10A has a 5 degree or more roll attitude error when I power up the aircraft.  Will this correct itself in flight?  If not, what should I do?

Thanks from Joe


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I've deleted some of your previous post since it contains personal information that can be read by anyone. This forum is public.

Are you seeing non-zero turn rate as well? If yes, then it may sort itself out after an hour or so of flight. If no, and you're sure the EFIS is actually level when you're seeing the non-zero indication, then it may need to come back here again, unfortunately. If the latter's the case, then you'll want to get back in touch with our surpport staff directly at 425-402-0433 or support at dynonavionics.com