D120 DSAB Network connection lost warnings ??


New Member
Oct 19, 2006
I have a D100 and D120 installed and flying in a Murphy Super Rebel.
Some times while in ground test the EMS D120 will show DSAB Network Connection Lost ACK-3, then follow with EFIS connection lost ACK-2 then follow with Primary Compass lost ACK-1. All systems are operational prior to these warning bars, and following acknowledgement as well. These warnings have not occured while in flight as yet. I can not find any reference to these warning bars, nor the ACK-3, -2, -1 codes or determine the action that is required to correct these faults. After checking Configuration on the EFIS, it shows the EFIS and EMS as present and status as active. Have verified the DSAB wire continuity and is correct. What is the problem or what am I doing wrong to get these warnings.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
ACK is the "acknowledge" button, and the -X is how many other alarms are waiting for you behind the one your're currently looking at.

Are you seeing this error when the EMS-D120 is powered up on its own, or when everything is powered up?

It basically sounds like the DSAB network (and the compass, whic isn't on DSAB) is momentarily getting messed up. If its happening a lot, try disconnecting each of your components individually, then re-DSABing your system. You're basically trying to figure out which device is the culprit.

A wire that's just barely intermittent could cause something like this too.


New Member
Oct 19, 2006
The D100 and D120 are both on the master buss, so have not powered them up separately as yet. Basically I get the DSAB network connection lost warning and those that follow, but the DSAB functions appear to remain operating, before the warning and after acknowledging the warning. Will try the disconnect test and also check to see if an intermittent wire exists. I checked the continuity of the DSAB wires between the units and both checked ok at that time. Will look again!! Thanks!