D180 Airspd. Indic., Oil Temp gauge problms HELP!


New Member
Apr 15, 2010
I have a newly built 2007 Arion Lightning experimental airplane with new FlightDeck D-180.  The Oil Temperature gauge on the Dynon is not working at all. The Airspeed indicator on the Dynon is inaccurate on the low side. We think it is at least 30 mph less than what it should read. We had a mechanic who thought there were some leaks along the airline that goes from the pitot tube to the instrument, so he tightened some fittings up, and that helped some; we are getting more of a reading now, but the reading is still off. ALSO, another problem we have: When we put the strobes or the navigation lights on, the amperage goes below normal to the redline, drawing heavy on the battery, so we never use the lights. Plane is in Hagerstown, MD. Any help or referral to someone who can fix these issues is much appreciated.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: D180 Airspd. Indic., Oil Temp gauge problms H

If this is an experimental, you're free to dive into this yourself, or use any shop of your choosing. Most of our experiemental customers do their own work, having the repairman certificate and expertise from building the airplane.

If this is an LSA, you should work with the manufacturer/dealer on any squawks to keep the airplane airworthy (you're not technically allowed to make changes without permission).

Please give us a call at 425-402-0433 to go over your issues more individually.