D180 CHT display, oil temp issue w/Rotax engine


New Member
Jul 8, 2009

I fly a kitplane fitted with a Rotax 912S engine, and a D180 (v.5.1).

The engine has about 120 hours total time.

The panel/engine wiring has been done by the kit company here in France.

Here are my questions:

- re CHT display: out of the two CHT sensors, only one is displayed on the EMS.

The two sensors are connected to the D180, GP1 & 2 on pins# 4 & 22, both are configured alike but only one is displayed.

The electric continuity from both sensors to the DB37 checked OK.

Any suggestions as why only one is displayed ?

- re oil temp: the oil temp displayed (engine set to Rotax, original Rotax/VDO sensor, type set to 4) shows very high readings (180°C at times !).

The CHT also shows very high readings, though the engine coolant level doesn’t move - tending to indicate there was no actual overheating.

I tried to check the accuracy of the readings on the D180 the following way: removed the oil sensor from the engine, plunged it in a small container filled with engine oil; heated the container on an electric plate and monitored the oil temperature rise in the container with an IR thermometer while checking what was displayed on the D180.

Up to about 120°C, the D180 was more or less in sync with the oil temp, as recorded by the IR thermometer. Above that value, it went very wrong, ending 50°C over the IR reading, temp even going on rising on the D180 oil temp display while stable when measured in the container.

Having searched the forum, I have seen posts back in 2007 about similar issues, that newer software releases seemed to have cured.

I am alone experiencing this apparently weird behaviour of a D180?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: D180 CHT display, oil temp issue w/Rotax engin

You've got enough going on that I think it would help more to get you in touch with our technical support staff directly. Give us a call at 425-402-0433 when you have a chance.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: D180 CHT display, oil temp issue w/Rotax engin

The Oil Temp is most likely a ground problem. Took me a new ground strap run directly from engine to avionics common ground point to solve. A VERY small amount of resistance here will result in a VERY high reading.