d180 internal battery charging


New Member
Dec 1, 2005
Just turned on the dek180 for the first time to checkout the initial wiring. After a few minutes the low voltage alarm came on. the airplane battery was low on charge. the d180 unit was received about two month ago from dynon with an internal battery.
Shouldn't the internal battery cut in if the main battery is low? Presuming the internal battery was not charged, how do i charge it (internal bat.) given the engine is not ready to operate for a few month?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The low voltage alarm comes from the EMS side. You set this voltage wherever you want it. This alarm has nothing to do with the unit, but is a user alarm warning you something is wrong with the aircraft's power system. Sounds like it is working perfect.

The D180 will run on master power as long as it can, which is usually down to about 8V. If it can't run on master anymore, it will switch to the battery. When it does this it will tell you. If the internal battery gets low, it will tell you this as well.

The battery will charge whenever the D180 has power and is turned on. To charge it, hook it to your airplane and leave it on for a few hours. Clearly, to do this, you'll need to have a nice, charged battery. There's no real reason to charge it though- they are usually pretty well charged at the factory and should last a few hours.