D180 keeps rebooting


New Member
Jun 12, 2007
I have had a D180 in my RV-8 for 10 years, and in general I have been very pleased with it. Once or twice in the last year it would not boot up and the screen stayed dark on a cold morning, but later on as it warmed up it booted up ok.

But this week it started doing something new. It starts to boot up and displays the Dynon logo, then reboots itself. Round and round, 1 second on ,3 seconds off. It does this whether the engine is off or running.

I measured the battery voltage at the input terminal: 10.9 volts with the engine off. I have two alternators and although I did not measure the voltage with the engine running, either alternator would bring the voltage above 12.5 volts, so I don't think the issue is voltage.

With the engine off, a relay or something clicks every time it turns off. With the engine running of course you cannot hear anything. Here is a link to the video on my DropBox https://www.dropbox.com/s/rqs2qr9e9j40w8y/vid_20191226_150154.mp4?dl=0

Dynon is closed for the New Year vacation. Until they open and I can call them, anyone have any ideas?
