D180 not picking up GPS


Oct 29, 2007
I am not able to get GPS info from my Garmin GPSMap196 to my D180.  I have V5.0

I understand that if everything is working correctly, my HSI page should have a GPS flag.  It does not.

There are four leads coming out of the Garmin plug: Red & Black; +12v & ground, white; data in, and brown; data out.  I connected the white lead to Pin 19 on the 37 pin connector.

FYI here is a link to the Garmin manual.  http://www8.garmin.com/manuals/GPSMAP196_PilotsGuide.pdf

The plug diagram is on page 101 and the GPS data info starts on page 95.
There are several choices to set the Garmin interface; GARMIN Data Transfer, Garmin DGPS, Aviatio In, NMEA In/NMEA Out, Test Out, RTCM In,RTCM In/NMEA Out, and RTCHM In/Text Out.

Am I using the correct wire? What setting should I use?  What about the D180?
Any other suggestions?


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
You must connect the BROWN wire to the Dynon as this is the data out wire. The GPS needs to send data out to the Dynon's input.

From your description it sounds like you connected the data in wire to the Dynon's input. This won't do it.


Oct 29, 2007
Re: the brown wire.

As I was attempting to troubleshoot this I did try switching the two, but it didn't seem to work. I will give it another shot today.

Some more information; because I'm in a hangar I have no satellite reception. I can run it in the simulator mode.

If I don't get a satellite will I still get the GPS flag, as long as the Dynon is receiving from the GPS? And going back to my original post, which setting on the GPSMap196 should i use?



New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Most Garmin units do not output all the serial data when operating on the simulator.  You must have it in normal mode receiving sats.

Per the FAQ WIKI, the 196 needs NMEA In/NMEA Out on the serial port setting (most likely 4800 baud).  While in this menu press the menu and go into the NMEA advanced settings and ensure that the Advanced Setting is set to Normal if it has this setting and turn all the optional stuff off.

The D180 should be set to Auto and you must select GPS as the nav source in the HSI page of the Dynon.

One more thing... The GPS must have the same ground potential as the Dynon so if your running off of a battery, you must connect a ground from the GPS to the ground on the Dynon.  I see you have a power cord but just trying to cover all the possible problems.


Oct 29, 2007
Got 'er licked!

1. I threaded an antenna outside, so I didn't have to use the simulator mode.
2. I made sure the brown wire went to pin 19.
3. On the GPS I set the serial output to NMEA In/NMEA Out and to 4800 baud.
3. On the D180 HSI setup, I took it off Automatic and set the Local Data Port to: Input NMEA 4800 - for both EFIS & EMS serial.

That did the trick!

I tried a few other of the GPS settings, such as Aviation Out, but nothing else worked.

Thanks for your help.
