D180 - Reading Fuel Flow with EC2 EFI controller


Oct 29, 2007
I am installing a Real World Soultions Electronic Fuel Injection system, using their EC-2 controller.

With EFI systems, my understanding is that you cannot use a fuel flow transducer, since you have "waste" fuel returning to the header tank. Or, you would need two transducers and have the black box do the math.

Speaking of their own engine monitor: "No additional sensor is needed for fuel flow on EFI engines as this information is read from the EC2 engine controller". I believe the controller reads the pulses delivered to the injectors.

Do you think I can connect this to the Flightdeck D180? What other information should I get from RWS?




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: D180 - Reading Fuel Flow with EC2 EFI controll

Our EMS systems measure current pulse signals - it basically notices the difference between the fuel flow sensor being grounded or open - when our fuel flow sender (which is manufactured by FloScan) is used. We can handle K-factors of between 10,000 and 100,000, where K-factor is pulses per gallon. The simplest question for them might be "does it work like a FloScan?" unit.

More likely, it won't work though. The fuel flow sensor we sell is directly measuring fuel flow. You fuel injectors inject a variable amount of fuel per pulse, so you really need to measure the time of the pulse, not just that it occurred. So unless they're emulating the output of a FloScan type fuel flow sensor, it's unlikely to work.