D180 RS232 communication


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
I have now tried communicating with the D180 using each of the serial ports.

Using the EMS (37-pin) port, I get 'unable to communicate' even though it reports that it has found an instrument.

Using the EFIS (25-pin) port, I get the same result, although in this case the Dynon screen changes to the Yellow background. This port seems to work on receive, as it gets the time update from my GPS connected to this port.
The GPS was unplugged from the port for the test.

I have used 2 different computers, one of which has an RS232 port, eliminating the need for the RS232-USB converter.

I have used the other computer and the same RS232-USB converter to communicate with the D120 EMS on my other aircraft with no problems.

My principal requirement is to download the engine logs.

I have had many years in the computer business, so am familiar with the vagaries of RS232 communication.

I am coming to the conclusion that there is a problem with the Dynon, as I can't see what else to try.

Any suggestions would be welcome


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
On a FlightDEK-D180, the serial port on the 37-pin connector will never work to communicate with the Product Support Program.

Are you sure that there is nothing connected to the serial port on the 25-pin connector other than the PC connection? No GPS, NAV radio, etc.?

If not, then it sounds like it's time to have it seen at the factory. Contact Dynon Avionics Technical Support on Monday - 425-402-0433 or email support AT dynonavionics DOT com.

I have now tried communicating with the D180 using each of the serial ports.

Using the EMS (37-pin) port, I get 'unable to communicate' even though it reports that it has found an instrument.

Using the EFIS (25-pin) port, I get the same result, although in this case the Dynon screen changes to the Yellow background. This port seems to work on receive, as it gets the time update from my GPS connected to this port.
The GPS was unplugged from the port for the test.

I have used 2 different computers, one of which has an RS232 port, eliminating the need for the RS232-USB converter.

I have used the other computer and the same RS232-USB converter to communicate with the D120 EMS on my other aircraft with no problems.

My principal requirement is to download the engine logs.

I have had many years in the computer business, so am familiar with the vagaries of RS232 communication.

I am coming to the conclusion that there is a problem with the Dynon, as I can't see what else to try.

Any suggestions would be welcome