I'm connecting my Garmin SL-30 to my D180. Page 4-6 says connect the SL-30 to pin 22 of the EFIS DB25 connector. What pin on the SL-30 is wired to this point?
Albert Gardner
Yuma, AZ
In the SL-30 installation manual page 21. The upper left page, SL30 #1 where it shows the 3 wires, Ser Gnd- RxD1-,TxD1. Connect wire TxD1 to pin Dynon pin 22. You can ground the Ser Gnd to the Dynon if you like or just to ground (aircraft) RxD1 is not used.
Good luck.
Generically, you're always looking for a serial output in your unit's wiring instructions to connect you GPS to your Dynon. This might be labeled as RS232 out, RS232 TX, serial out, etc.