D180 wiring


New Member
Aug 30, 2006
We are wiring a D180 on CTSW equipped with Rotax 912.

The wiring has been maid using dynon harness (for EFIS, Rotax 2 EGT, D37) but some probes are not working :  the EGT (whiwh are original rotax ones)  give a correct temperature as long as the engine does not work ( when it functions the temperature become negative until -80 °C).

We might have a wiring probleme : indeed we have used the diagram page 2-7 of flighhtDEK-D180 installation guide to wire D37 harness pin : on this diagram, the pin 3,5,16,17 are dedicated to groud but on page, 2-2 it is written that only pins 5-16-17 are dedicated to ground : what should we do with pin 3 ? can we connect it to a probe or should we connect it to the aircraft ground.

Is there a  limitation in the number of probes, you can connect at the same time : we want to put as much as possible probes on this aircraft. will there be problemes of any kind (alimentation, lag ...).

On a D180, if you are using Dynon harness there are 2 RS 232 one from the D25 and one from the D37. If I want to update the firmware of a D180 do I need to  wire my computer one time with the D25 to update the EFIS related data and then to wire on a second time with the D37 to update the EMS related data? (is it useful to keep both RS232, if the only way I will use them is to upload newfirmware)

Last question : is there a way to center exactly the ball on D100 or D180 (except by making a new hole for the panel) ?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It sounds like your EGTs are wired backwards. As far as we know, the Rotax 912 comes with CHTs in the heads, but EGTs are not provided with the motor. So I'm not sure which original EGT probes you are referring to. If you are using our EGT probes, the thermocouple wire pairs are color coded and match the colors that you attach them to on our EGT/CHT harness - ie, red goes to red, yellow to yellow, and white to white. If the pair are reversed, they will read correct at room temperature, but gradually decrease rather than increase as the engine warms up.

On the FlightDEK-D180, pin 3 is an extra ground that you can use. It can not be used as an input for a probe, but it can be used as a ground for any sensors that need it.

The FlightDEK-D180 will perform the same regardless of which probes you have connected to it. You can connect a full complement of probes to the FlightDEK-D180, subject to the limitations of the number of inputs that the product has.

The entire FlightDEK-D180 firmware is updated using the serial port on the D25 connector. The D37 9 pin connector is not used for PC programming, though, it can be used to collect EMS data and could be used for RS232 sometime in the future. I'd keep it connected but bundled up behind the panel.

The FlighDEK-D180 does need to be mounted straight and level in roll and yaw to work correctly (though you can correct for pitch). If the ball is not centered, you will need to adjust the FlightDEK-D180 in the panel.


New Member
Aug 30, 2006
"I'm not sure which original EGT probes you are referring to" : I realised that I was not very clear :
We are in fact replacing a flydat (which were orignialy mounted) by a D180.
THe original EGT are in fact Flydat's EGT

you may be right, we are going to check the way this probes are wired.