Our instruments couldn't reasonably be considered portable because they need pitot/static for proper operation, and are designed to be used with ship's power.
But as for the secondary nature of the instruments not being OK, here it is from the horse's mouth:
AC No: 23 .1311-1C - "Installation of Electronic Display in Part 23 Airplanes:
The excerpt you care about:
8.0 Flight Displays.
8.1 Instrument Requirements.
a. Sections 23.1303, 23.1305, 23.1311, and 23.1321, with the applicable operating rules
(14 CFR parts 91, 121, and 135), incorporate flight and powerplant instrument requirements for part
23 airplanes. The navigation equipment requirements are given in operational rules specified in
§§ 91.205, 121.303, 121.305, 121.307, 135.143, 135.149, 135.159, 135.161, and 135.165. Display
requirements for navigation information are dependent on the navigation system installed in the
aircraft. Instruments and equipment required for flights under parts 91, 121, and 135 may be
affected by the electronic display installation. These instruments and equipment include:
gyroscopic bank and pitch, gyroscopic direction, gyroscopic rate-of-turn, slip-skid instruments, and
other required communication and navigational equipment.
b. There have been applications to install equipment, such as flight and navigation
displays, as non-required. These applications request approval for these installations as situation
awareness (SA) only. It is not acceptable to label a display as “SA-Only” and assume that its
failure condition is acceptable. Installing displays that provide PFI that are more compelling than
the required primary PFI displays, but they do not meet the appropriate operational and
airworthiness requirements, and labeling them as “Supplemental” or “SA-Only" is not acceptable.
Section 13.6 provides more guidance.
c. The basis for certification has been that the equipment should perform its intended
function and not present a hazard. Instruments that aid situation awareness should be certified
under the part 23 requirements, including § 23.1301 and § 23.1309. These displays could provide
hazardous misleading information. PFI is essential for safe operation. An instrument that provides
PFI should meet the minimum standards of applicable TSOs or an equivalent standard. It also
should meet the guidance in AC 23.1309-1E, AC 23-17C, and the guidance in this AC.