D6 external battery?


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
I see from the schematic thatpin 15 for "Emergency Backup Power" is not connected for the D6. This results in a battery display that shows Main, External and Internal voltages with E at 0.0 all the time.

Is there an external battery for the D6 that I could install? Or a way to turn off the "E" field on the battery display?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I see from the schematic thatpin 15 for "Emergency Backup Power" is not connected for the D6.  This results in a battery display that shows Main, External and Internal voltages with E at 0.0 all the time.

Is there an external battery for the D6 that I could install?  Or a way to turn off the "E" field on the battery display?

Pin 15 / Ext. Backup Power can be used IF the plane has a redundant / emergency source of avionics power. Any source of power 10V - 30V will work.

In our experience, most of our customers just connect the Master Power input (Pin 1) and the internal battery for backup, and do not have a redundant / emergency source of avionics power.

No, there's no way to suppress the display of the "E" line if you choose to display battery voltage.

And... a public service announcement (while we're on the subject of connecting up power to an EFIS-D6 - we no longer recommend using the Keep Alive wire (Pin 2) - see Service Bulletin 120109 (applicable to the EFIS-D6 / EFIS-D60, though they're not specifically mentioned.)