D6 Flashing blue initial Dynon screen


I love flying!
Jan 10, 2015
The D6 EFIS  new from Stein out of the box on internal battery seemed to function fine.  Over the past half year I assume the internal battery went dead because I was unable to turn it on. Upon installation and hooked to ship power the initial Dynon splash screen cycles off and on and never advances beyond that. The VPX indicates .8amp draw and the .8amp indicator flashes as well.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
The battery will slowly self-discharge over long periods of time, so the first part isn't terribly surprising if you played with it for a while before it was ever fully charged. But once you hook it up to ship's power, you it should turn on fully and recharge the battery. This probably won't change anything, but you might try disconnecting the internal battery behind the rear door of the D6 to make sure that that doesn't make a difference. But more likely, we're going to need to see your D6 here for repair. Give our support team a buzz at 425-402-0433 or an email at support at dynonavionics dot com.