
New Member
Aug 26, 2010
Forgive me if this question is already out there and answered.......

I can remove the EFIS from the panel and it reacts quickly to different attitudes immediately when rotated in my hands(stationary in the hanger) When airborne, and rolling out of a turn, the Attitude display lags considerably.  I can roll out of a turn and be level for 6-8 sec. and the display is slowly coming back to level after that time.  Has done this before and after firmware update last week....what am I missing?  I have not calibrated heading in a while...is incorrect displayed heading reason for incorrect attitude display?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
That's definitely not normal behavior. Is airspeed correct / seem to have any lag? If not, it sounds like we might need to see your EFIS here - you might have an internal sensor that is out of calibration or failing.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
An incorrectly calibrated, or malfunctioning, magnetometer can cause the issue you're describing.

Do you have a taildragger aircraft? What version of firmware does your EFIS-D60 have installed (SETUP > VRSION)?

Forgive me if this question is already out there and answered.......

I can remove the EFIS from the panel and it reacts quickly to different attitudes immediately when rotated in my hands(stationary in the hanger) When airborne, and rolling out of a turn, the Attitude display lags considerably.  I can roll out of a turn and be level for 6-8 sec. and the display is slowly coming back to level after that time.  Has done this before and after firmware update last week....what am I missing?   I have not calibrated heading in a while...is incorrect displayed heading reason for incorrect attitude display?


New Member
Aug 26, 2010
Version 1.1.3 (updated just over a week ago)
Not a TailDragger

Today, I reset the inclination and magnetic intensity.  Those were totally off.... by alot...Must have reset at some point.

Also reset the heading calibration using that process.

Flew.  Attitude appeared to be correct after flying 4-5 banking turns and fairly abrupt control sticks back to neutral.    as a side note...heading appeared correct now after the firmware update.

Did resetting my inclination and intensity recalibrate the magnetometer?  Would having incorrect inclination and intensity settings evoke the incorrect attitude displays I was receiving?  I would have thought those settings would only affect heading indications..??