DSAB enabling on older D100 + EMS-D120


New Member
May 27, 2007
G'day Dynon,

We have an RV-7 in the panel finishing stage, but I need to be sure that the D100 will talk to the EMS D120.

These units were purchased from VANS before 10/4/2006 as the Installation guides show 'Revision B'

The D100 is s/n 002526

The D120 is s/n 001666

Do we follow the instructions on 3-5 of the D120 manual - and wire the EMS DB37 pin# 35 to pin #4 on the EFIS?

Is there any point in wiring #34 on the DB37 pllug to pin#5 on the EFIS? Does that enable '2 - way' communication between the units - which is what I want?

Hope we don't have to go back to that ungainly Radio Shack null modem + gender bender stuff.

thanks folks.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
How you wire them depends on the software version you will be running, not whe they were purchased. If you upgrade to 4.0 or newer, just hook DSAB A to DSAB A and B to B. No need for the serial ports to be hooked together.

You can always get the latest install and pilots guides here:
