DSAB failure after replacing SL30 by GNC255A


New Member
Aug 30, 2008
In my Sportcruiser I had a Dynon EFIS D100, EMS D120, H34 and Garmin SL30 nav/com, GTX328 transponder and 496 GPS.
Since 2009 all these instruments worked fine.
Due to European regulations my Garmin SL30 nav/com is replaced by a new Garmin GNC255A.
Now the following failure occurs:
Each time I use the PTT to send a message, the DSAB connection is lost immediately! After one to ten seconds the system self-resets and stays stable until I use the PTT again.
The GNC255A seems to work ok.
Anyone familiar with this phenomenon?
What can be the problem? Interference?
Thank you in advance!


New Member
Dec 23, 2010
Do you know how the DSAB wiring was installed? The DSAB should be twisted with the twist maintained to as close to the connectors as possible. The twist mitigates RFI.

It could be that the new radio installation produces more RFI than the SL30 installation did, so what was previously just below the threshold of causing problems is now slightly above.

There are other possibilities, but this is what I'd suggest examining as a first step.