dual band adsb for skyview


I love flying!
Oct 27, 2016
Is there any hope for a future dynon dual band (uat & es) ads-b receiver that will work on a skyview system, an alternative to the sv-adsb-470 ?.  Or is there a 3rd party dual band adsb receiver that will work with a skyview system to receive uat & es bands ?.  I don't want to use an Ipad or other tablet, I want all info on the SV screen only.

Thank you
Tom O.


Aug 4, 2008
I'm a long way from being an expert on ADS-B, but this is the way I see it, correct me if I am wrong. There is a definite need to add the 1090 band. I understand the logic Dynon had in using only 978 from get go. It was supposed to be almost all GA aircraft. And with the rebroadcast it would be every aircraft. The problem is even with the number of towers out there; there are areas with no coverage. My home airport is an example. I do not receive the rebroadcast until about 2000’ AGL due to terrain and see no traffic on my Skyview below that level. However on a busy day, my Ipad will have several targets using a dual band receiver. It seems like a lot of GA planes use a 1090 solution for ADS-B out. I don’t expect a free upgrade, things have changed as the application of 1090 out is probably more used than originally expected. Dynon should come up with an upgrade to the current receiver adding a second receiver or what ever method is cost effective. The Stratux project adds 1090 for the price of a $22.00 SDR radio. I’m sure it isn’t that easy for Dynon but it is a project they need to take seriously. After all without rebroadcast, a Dynon will not even see another Dynon sourced airplane in the current configuration because it sends on 1090 and only receives on 978. I love my Skyview, Thanks Dynon for a great system but this is one area that needs development.


I love flying!
Feb 17, 2013
PLus 1 for that viewpoint. It's the one thing keeping me from buying my ADSB Dynon solution just yet.


Sep 21, 2007
Peoria, AZ
A dual band ADS-B receiver has been asked for many times in the past on this bulletin board. The responses I have seen from Dynon is that they just think that a dual band receiver is overkill and not necessary. I disagreed and bought a status dual band receiver and use foreflight for traffic instead but it sure would be great to have the traffic on the Skyview screen.


New Member
Jun 13, 2009
I just came back from a three day trip in Mexico, primarily Baja, with several other aircraft and agree that it would be nice to get the info down there. Most everybody else that were with me had the info the entire trip. One curiosity, is that there was one airplane in our group that I could see fine the entire time. At one point I looked out and could physically see four aircraft, but there was just the one guy on my screen. I couldn't see any of the others until within about 50 miles of the border and then I could see everyone.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
I just came back from a three day trip in Mexico, primarily Baja, with several other aircraft and agree that it would be nice to get the info down there.  Most everybody else that were with me had the info the entire trip.  One curiosity, is that there was one airplane in our group that I could see fine the entire time.  At one point I looked out and could physically see four aircraft, but there was just the one guy on my screen.  I couldn't see any of the others until within about 50 miles of the border and then I could see everyone.
I fly overseas a lot and would LOVE to have a dual band receiver for my SkyView system. I imagine others that fly outside the US feel the same way. There is a GA aviation world outside the US.


I love flying!
Jan 2, 2012
I ended up going with a 3rd party for ADS-b in so that I could have dual band and also so that it would display on multiple 3rd party displays.

My request is Dynon make an ADS-B in solution with the capability of forwarding traffic and weather to others (Avair, foreflight, wingsX, others...) :D


My request is Dynon make an ADS-B in solution with the capability of forwarding traffic and weather to others (Avair, foreflight, wingsX, others...) :D
That is already available with SkyView v15.x.x


I love flying!
Sep 20, 2015
St. Paul, MN
I also strongly vote for a dual band ADS-B receiver. I was recently flying in the Bahamas. Once I was 20 miles off shore, I couldn't see any other traffic, even 1090ES ADS-B OUT equipped airliners (and even other Dynon ADS-B OUT equipped planes). Same problem when you are flying at relatively low altitudes in remote locations where you are out of range of a ground station.

I would gladly pay a reasonable price for an upgrade.


I love flying!
Sep 29, 2013
I also strongly vote for a dual band ADS-B receiver.  I was recently flying in the Bahamas.  Once I was 20 miles off shore, I couldn't see any other traffic, even 1090ES ADS-B OUT equipped airliners (and even other Dynon ADS-B OUT equipped planes).  Same problem when you are flying at relatively low altitudes in remote locations where you are out of range of a ground station.

I would gladly pay a reasonable price for an upgrade.
I also want dual band. Most of the massive number of flight school aircraft in the Phoenix area are 1090 equipped. Not a problem at the controlled fields, but they do most of their practice at uncontrolled fields below the coverage of the ground stations. Tough enough understanding their traffic pattern calls in Engrish. Much easier when can see their position on the screen. (most of the students are from Asian countries). Given that most of the portable receivers have incorporated dual band for modest price increases, seems like this should be doable.


Mar 21, 2011
If Dynon is not willing to provide a dual band receiver, why not allow reception from a Stratus/Stratux, etc?

I understand the business argument that they would reduce demand for their receiver but either the dual band demand is so high they should acquiesce to the demand or it is low enough that it would not significantly impact sales of their solution.



I love flying!
Jan 12, 2017
Adding my voice to the crowd. This should be a high priority for them. dynon I hope your listening!


I love flying!
Dec 10, 2013
It just seems silly that a receiver wouldn't be capable of picking up both bands. It seems even sillier to make a system that broadcasts on one band and receives the other, and relies on a ground station to pick up signals from its "own kind".

Really, the whole implementation of ADS-B is half-baked and something only the government would come up with :p And the manufacturers have no choice but to work within the dictates of the government's design...