I just installed my Dynon 10 and the slip/skid ball is not centered in flight despite the fact that Rudder is centered (rudder pedals are aligned).
Is there a way to adjust/correct the deviation of the ball from the instrument settings??
I truly believe the plane is flying straight but the ball is not centered. I need to horizontally rotate the ADAHRS to get the ball aligned??
Ground work -
1. Set up the plane so that it’s level, use a laser or water level
2. If the skid ball is now in the centre you’re good to go, if not then make sure magnetometer is level using a digital level &, just to be sure, check the D10 is level too.
3. If that all checks out okay then..
4. If the aircraft was rigged properly then Add a trim tab to the rudder to make the ball go to the centre, I use a wedge type temporarily taped on. What you need to do is ‘adjust’ that wedge to have the ball in the centre at normal cruise power settings without your feet on the rudder pedals.
This will then result in a slight wing drop which can be compensated for in various ways eg electric/manual aileron trim or a trim tab on one of the ailerons.
With properly set up rigging you should be able to fly hands off at normal cruise speeds in very smooth air- less work for the autopilot ( if fitted) too.

Btw - position of rudder pedals is not critical unless they are very different. What aircraft type is it ?