Dynon 10A New Software


New Member
Nov 7, 2006
I have been reading the GPS connection for the new software for the HSI. It says that there must be
a disconnect between the GPS and Dynon to to upload through the serial connector. Wouldn't turning
the GPS off while using the serial port do the same thing?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The electronics to drive the serial port are still there in the GPS even if they are unpowered. This can cause problems with the connection, and you don't want any issues while doing an update. While it might work, we strongly suggest disconnecting it during firmware updates.


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
Western Australia
Dynon...can you elaborate a little more on the requirement to disconnect the GPS and/or SL30 when doing software updates.

I have a D100 & D120 which is wired as per the instructions on 3-4 & 3-5 of the D100 Installation Guide and connected to the GPS (Skymap IIIc) via EMS Pin 19 on the DB37 connector.

Do I still need to disconnect the GPS when doing software updates through the Serial Port on the D100 & D120? (on 3-6 it says you must "disconnect the SL30 from the EFIS when doing updates" however as I don't have a SL30, do I need to disconnect the GPS in view of the way I have it wired?

If the answer is yes.....would a simple ON/OFF switch inserted in the black/white wire going to EMS Pin 19 on the DB37 be sufficient?    This would save me having to remove the centre panel everytime an update is required.




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Devices wired to the EMS do not need to be disconnected. That's why we recommend that as the first connection to be made if you have an EMS in the system.

Devices hooked to the EFIS need to be disconnected because they literally use the same wire as the PC does for updates, and you can only have one device on that wire at a time. The EMS uses a totally different port.

For other customers, if you are hooking to the EFIS, using a switch is fine. You can also just wire the GPS or SL30 into a DB-9 connector and plug it into the PC update port, and unplug that when you plug the PC in.