Dynon A/P Servo's


New Member
Jun 28, 2008
I'm building an RV-8A and planning on using the new Dynon A/P. Are both servo's to be mounted in the fuselage or is the roll servo wing mounted?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The kit we will be selling will put the roll servo for the 8 in the right wing. If you wish to put it somewhere else, it will work, but we won't be selling a kit for another location.


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
Oh No  I'm Sorry but the RV Drivers already have the first kits coming out of the door ::)  

I'm sure the fine, exceedingly handsome, and stunningly clever folks at Dynon will surely be releasing the kit for the Zenith 601XL next, if only in the interests of fair play, good sportsmanship and good will! :cool:

Please let me know if any more not-so-subtle sucking up will help move things along! ;D

601XL Builder 60% done  85% to go

And when will a kit for the RV-10 be ready?...... I will need one in about 3 months!



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We were thinking the BD-5 installation kit would be next out of the gate. ;)


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
We were thinking the BD-5 installation kit would be next out of the gate.  ;)

And after you make kits for the two airworthy ones,  perhaps the Spruce Goose should be on the list. ;D

And then the week after that maybe, oh just maybe we might be going to get one out for the 601XL>>> :'( :'( :'(

Ive still got the fuselage and the wings open for about another three months, and I of course would be happy to devote some time to getting the 601 AP install kit figgured out for you guys

Have Clecos will rivet!!!!  Let Me Know!!!

Larry Whitlow
601XL  77% done  66% to GO! ::)


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Related question for Dynon support before we get carried away with splicing the DSAB wires.

Can they be spliced in a star type config or must they be daisy chained?  Is there any need for terminating resistors ect?

How noise immune is the DSAB bus?  Does it opperate on a differential like two wire RS485 or is it just RS232 with your custom protocol on top?

How well is running long parallel runs of DSAB wires along side the power wires for the servo going to tollerate the noise generated by the servo?  Should the DSAB wires be shielded from the power wires?

I ask because now your moving from short controlled runs of the DSAB wires to longer multipe runs into areas that have been known to have noise issues since they will be closer to things like antennas and strobe power supplies ect.

How is this additional data flow on the DSAB buss going to affect the performance of interdisplay communications?  I imagine that a servo loop requires tons of throughput or are you controlling the main loop at the servo instead of the EFIS?  I remember somewhere you mentioned that the servo will have an embedded processor, how will this thing handle lost data ect?  Will the servo processor have smarts to report errors, torque, etc. to the EFIS for display and use for features like trim sensing etc?

I know you guys are smart and have thought all of this thru, I just need to be reassured of the fact and what your design intent is.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Can they be spliced in a star type config or must they be daisy chained?  Is there any need for terminating resistors ect?

Any which way that makes them all electrically connected. So both would work, and perhaps the only consideration is what gets disconnected if a wire breaks in any particular place.

How noise immune is the DSAB bus?  Does it opperate on a differential like two wire RS485 or is it just RS232 with your custom protocol on top?

Very immune. It's a 485 based bus, with our proprietary protocol running on top of it.

How well is running long parallel runs of DSAB wires along side the power wires for the servo going to tollerate the noise generated by the servo?

It won't interfere.

Should the DSAB wires be shielded from the power wires?

It's not a requirement.

How is this additional data flow on the DSAB buss going to affect the performance of interdisplay communications?  

It won't.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Thanks for the info,

I can't get you guys to crack a hair on more details can I? What about these questions.... :)

 I remember somewhere you mentioned that the servo will have an embedded processor, how will this thing handle lost data ect?  Will the servo processor have smarts to report errors, torque, etc. to the EFIS for display and use for features like trim sensing etc?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Yes, the servo has an embedded processor. It's smart about lost data and has bidirectional communications so both it and the EFIS know if anything is up. For instance, it tells you if the servo is slipping from being overidden or not having enough torque foe the air loads.

We're not purposefully holding back any information about the AP- but we also feel like we've pretty much told the world everything already, so we're never quite sure how to answer the question "tell us more!".


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Well I would say that these little tidbits about how the servo's work is definately more info.  This is on the right track.  I will help you with some more info you can share to the world  ;D

Can we see some screenshots of the user interface for the AP?  Even if you mark them as preliminary and subject to change, that would be great to see.

A small video showing the unit in action would be great!  Even if it is just a test rig sitting on the bench.

Details of how the input devices will work with the interface to the AP in regards to prearming, preselecting ect.  

I think I read somewhere that the AP interface will be mostly on the HSI page.  Will we be giving up any existing info displayed on the HSI page when the AP is active?

Will there be any addition pages like the primary flight display that have AP related data on them and if so, what is planned here?

Future plans for the AP like the possible FlightDirector, auto approach sequencing, trim sensing/auto trim, redunancy with the EFIS controlling the AP in the event of a failure of the DSAB master, etc.

A little news about how the beta testing is going and some of the ups and downs associated with that process would be great.

Stuff like that.  Nothing too specific and nothing that would not be concidered as preliminary and subject to change.  We know your still working on it.

Most of us would love to be more of a part of the development of such a promissing product.  That is why we feel the urge to know what is going on. ;)

Yes, the servo has an embedded processor. It's smart about lost data and has bidirectional communications so both it and the EFIS know if anything is up. For instance, it tells you if the servo is slipping from being overidden or not having enough torque foe the air loads.

We're not purposefully holding back any information about the AP- but we also feel like we've pretty much told the world everything already, so we're never quite sure how to answer the question "tell us more!".


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The AP adds very little to the screen. There is text in the lower left corner that tells you what mode it's in, such as:


Where the left one is the roll mode and the right one is the vertical mode.

The lower right corner now has your heading and alt bug settings in text. This will be there for all customers in the next version, so it's not even technically an AP thing.

The bugs are hollow when not being flown, and solid when being flown.

That's it. Just like some companies can make a good AP with just a three digit numerical display, we don't need to show tons of stuff either. On or off, what mode. The only display of this info is on the PFD page.

Without the AP74, you press menu buttons to turn it on and off or change modes. Bugs are changed like they are today.

The AP will fly whatever is shown on the HSI when in NAV mode, but nothing is actually shown on the HSI page re: the AP. You give up nothing here.

Approach sequencing and prearming will be features of the AP76, and have been announced with that product.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007

Thanks for the info.  Nice to hear that it will be pretty simple to operate.

Would like to see/hear more than just the announcements on the AP76 and what great things it will add to the package.  I know the units will enable sequencing and preselecting, vertical modes etc; would just like to know more about how this flow will work with a GPS or Nav unit.

I guess the rest of the questions are stuff that is either confidential at this time or just not being actively worked on yet.

Remember that thousands of us were not at SunNfun and won't get to come to Osh. :'(

Also remember that the experimental crowd is made up of people that are very detail oriented people. The little nuiances about how this thing works and plays with it's nav sources are very important when you are trying to decide between the EFIS's and AP's that fall into this class of product.