Well I would say that these little tidbits about how the servo's work is definately more info. This is on the right track. I will help you with some more info you can share to the world ;D
Can we see some screenshots of the user interface for the AP? Even if you mark them as preliminary and subject to change, that would be great to see.
A small video showing the unit in action would be great! Even if it is just a test rig sitting on the bench.
Details of how the input devices will work with the interface to the AP in regards to prearming, preselecting ect.
I think I read somewhere that the AP interface will be mostly on the HSI page. Will we be giving up any existing info displayed on the HSI page when the AP is active?
Will there be any addition pages like the primary flight display that have AP related data on them and if so, what is planned here?
Future plans for the AP like the possible FlightDirector, auto approach sequencing, trim sensing/auto trim, redunancy with the EFIS controlling the AP in the event of a failure of the DSAB master, etc.
A little news about how the beta testing is going and some of the ups and downs associated with that process would be great.
Stuff like that. Nothing too specific and nothing that would not be concidered as preliminary and subject to change. We know your still working on it.
Most of us would love to be more of a part of the development of such a promissing product. That is why we feel the urge to know what is going on.
Yes, the servo has an embedded processor. It's smart about lost data and has bidirectional communications so both it and the EFIS know if anything is up. For instance, it tells you if the servo is slipping from being overidden or not having enough torque foe the air loads.
We're not purposefully holding back any information about the AP- but we also feel like we've pretty much told the world everything already, so we're never quite sure how to answer the question "tell us more!".