Dynon Announces Limited Edition DX15 Handheld Aviation Radio
As our first entry into aviation communications, Dynon is offering a limited edition hand-held radio. We created 100 compact aviation band transceivers as part of our plans to eventually supplement the SkyView Glass Panel System with a panel mounted radio. We created the DX15 hand-held transceiver to learn about radio design, FCC Part 87 certification, and radio production.
We only have a few of these radios, and so we decided to do something fun to sell them.
These 100 handheld radios are restricted to use in the United States and are being offered to U.S. pilots through a unique auction. To participate, bidders must visit and place a bid. A typical retail price for equivalent radios would be about $250, but bids can start as low as $75. Participants can only bid once, for up to two units. Shipping in the U.S. is free.
The top legitimate bids for 100 hand-helds will be accepted. The price for all of them will be the lowest bid of the top 100. Bids will be accepted between March 29th and April 27th.
If you are at Sun-n-Fun, please come see us. We have a few of these radios in the booth.
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Dynon Marketing
Dynon Announces Limited Edition DX15 Handheld Aviation Radio
As our first entry into aviation communications, Dynon is offering a limited edition hand-held radio. We created 100 compact aviation band transceivers as part of our plans to eventually supplement the SkyView Glass Panel System with a panel mounted radio. We created the DX15 hand-held transceiver to learn about radio design, FCC Part 87 certification, and radio production.
We only have a few of these radios, and so we decided to do something fun to sell them.
These 100 handheld radios are restricted to use in the United States and are being offered to U.S. pilots through a unique auction. To participate, bidders must visit and place a bid. A typical retail price for equivalent radios would be about $250, but bids can start as low as $75. Participants can only bid once, for up to two units. Shipping in the U.S. is free.
The top legitimate bids for 100 hand-helds will be accepted. The price for all of them will be the lowest bid of the top 100. Bids will be accepted between March 29th and April 27th.
If you are at Sun-n-Fun, please come see us. We have a few of these radios in the booth.
Read full details at
Dynon Marketing