EDC Installation

  • Thread starter Keith Southard(Guest)
  • Start date

Keith Southard(Guest)

I just went through the process of shortening the OAT probe leads and some minor re-routing of the wiring harness to the EDC.

I also upgraded the software in my EFIS D10 to the latest version 1.12 from 1.5.

When I reconnected to the EDC and powered up the D10, the OAT info wasn't there. I checked using the support program and it says 'no edc detected'. I manually rotated the EDC an noted no change in the heading indicated by the EFIS.

Wiring and the connector has been double checked and verified as correct. I am using a harness from Stein Air. They do a nice job of labeling the pins and I have verified that they are in and connected properly. What is the next step?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Keith,

It is possible that one of those components (most likely the EFIS) got zapped by shorting wires or by ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) while you were working on it. It is very easy to do this to the old EFIS-D10 (the EFIS-D10A is better in this regard).

For the sake of others reading this forum, I'd like to remind everyone to completely disconnect all sources of power (including the keepalive connection) before working on your wiring. And be careful whenever you touch any of the wires or pins - even a tiny electric shock can cause damage.

In your case, Keith, some specific questions before we jump to any conclusions:

1) Do you have an internal battery inside your EFIS?
2) Do you have the keepalive line hooked up to your EFIS?

(If the answer is yes to one or both of these questions, it's easier to zap something by shorting wires together when working on your wiring. If no, it's more likely to be mis-wired, although it could still be ESD)

From what you said, you probably did your wiring correctly, but the problem you are having is consistent with mis-wiring the EFIS to the EDC. It is probably worth double/triple/quadruple checking your wiring before you go to the trouble of sending it back to us for further analysis.

keith southard(Guest)

I do have an internal battery in the EFIS.

I also have a keep-alive connection - but the battery was disconnected so this is not a source of power. I didn't even think about the internal battery though......

I will quadruple check the wiring.......


keith southard(Guest)

Double, triple, quadruple checked wiring. All is installed correct. :'(



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Keith,

Sorry to hear it wasn't a simple fix. Please call our customer support number (425-402-0433) to get an RMA number for sending it back to us. It would probably be best to send us the EFIS, EDC, OAT, and your wiring harness. That way we can make sure everything plays nice together before we send it back to you.

Sorry about this. We'll get it back to you as fast as we can.