EDC location in Sonex


New Member
May 1, 2006
Has anyone here installed the EDC in your Sonex?

Any tips, tricks, traps???


Rodney in Tennessee


New Member
Jun 26, 2006
Hi Rodney,

I don't have a Sonex and am not Dynon support, but thought I'd throw a word or two in here since there have been no responses.

The Sonex isn't much different from any other airplane. It's got ferrous metal pieces like control cables or push-pull tubes that move to make the controls move, so you want to mount the EDC away from those. It also has an electrical system so you want to mount the EDC away from current-carrying wires. And you definitely want to mount it away from any steel structure. The EDC wires are shielded and carry digital information so you don't have to worry too much about where you route them - it's only the location of the EDC itself that's of concern.

All the above means that a mounting position back in the tailboom, with as much separation from the control cables, is likely as good as you're going to get. Other than that, follow the instructions in the installation manual and you won't go too far astray. Remember that re-routing a conflicting power wire may be easier than finding a different mounting spot for the EDC. If you've got a rotating beacon on your airplane you might want to route its power wire nearer to the control cables. This would put all the nasties in one spot, making it easier for you to find a nice quiet place to mount the EDC. :eek:

Heck, if I can do it, so can you! ;D