EFIS calibration on sloping ground


New Member
Oct 7, 2005
My home field is on a slope - maybe 3 degrees. Will this make the GNDNRT calibration inaccurate? If so I will fly elsewhere to do it. I am not using the remote compass.

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Jim Harris


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The 3 degree slope will not be a problem, since the EFIS takes into account its current pitch and roll during the calibration. While a level surface is ideal, small variations like yours shouldn't pose too big of a problem. Worst case, if the calibration doesn't look quite right after performing it at your home field, you can repeat the calibration at a more level field. You can redo the magnetic calibration as many times as you wish, with no ill effects on the overall outcome.

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