EFIS D100, D10A, D120, Garmin SL-30, GPS496


New Member
Dec 1, 2006
I am planning to use the D100 for my primary ADI and D10A for my primary HSI with the D120 as the engine monitor. I will also have a Garmin GPSMAP 496 handheld GPS and a Garmin SL-30 Com/Nav. I would like to connect all of this with the most functionality in mind. I would also rather connect with future DSAB capabilities in mind rather than rig everything to make it work now. Please provide me with advice on how to interface all of these systems. The installation manuals assume one EFIS and one EMS for the most part. The following is how I understand the interfaces:

DSAB: Connect D100 to D120 and D10A to D120 (currently one way data transfer from the D120 to the EFIS)
GPSMAP 496: I understand the manuals to suggest connecting the GPS to the D120 and it will provide information to the EFIS. Would there be any advantage to spliting the GPS into all three devices. With future DSAB from EFIS to EMS would it be better to connect it to any of the other devices instead.
Garmin SL-30: The manuals recommend connecting it to the EFIS. In my situation that would be the D10A. Would it be a good idea to split the SL-30 into all three devices.

Do you have any ideas on connecting the SL-30 to the same pin as the PC interface pin 22. Should I splice it then diconnect the harness from the SL-30 when doing an update or should I pull the PC interface pin from the harness and install the SL-30 input and swap back and forth.

In the future expansion will the D10A DSAB input to the D120 be output to the D100.

I don't want to create a mess of wires to create the most functionality today when I may not have to worry about it in a future software release. With full future DSAB cability can I assume that connecting the GPS to the D120 and the SL-30 to the D10A I will be able to use information from all on all three devices. Also, future DSAB abilities, can I expect it in a few months, year or long down the road. I will probably be flying mid summer 2007.

Bottom line how would you interface the above devices.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You want the GPS coming into the EMS, and the SL30 going to both EFISes individually. You also want DSAB connected between all 3 devices.

If you want to display the HSI on the EMS (GPS only at the moment), connect one of the EFISes (either of them) to the EMS via the serial interconnect (with the null modem).

When full DSAB is online, everything will seamlessly transfer across all devices.