EFIS D100 & EFIS D10 & HS34


New Member
Apr 1, 2007
We are carrying out a significant rework of our panel and hope to set up the following:
A new EFIS D100 as main flight instument (with back up battery).
We have an existing D10 which we now want to convert to a stand alone CDI / HSI with an HS34 controller.
We want to run the HS34 / D10 CDI / HSI off a Garmin 430W.
Can you confirm that the wiring harness with the D100 provides all the connectivity required.
Do we need any form of special harness to connect between 430w and the HS34.
It would also be usefull that the D10 could revert back to a back up Attitude Indicator if neccessary and vice versa for the D100 to incorporate the CDI / HSI.
I would like to add the heated pitot.
Can you confirm that the OAt probe currently used on the D10 will be compatible with the D100.
Can you confirm that all units can be connected via the sam serial connector for updates?
Thanks for your attention,


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
First, you will need to update your D10 to a D10A. The HS34 will not work with a D10.

You will need to make your own harness to hook to the HS34 to the Garmin 430. There are only 8 wires that need to be run, but since the HS34 can hook to so may different radios, we can't provide a harness for each one. You'll need to get connectors for the back of your Garmin 430 as well (if it didn't come with them). The HS34 comes with connectors for everything, but no wires are plugged in.

The D100 harness has the two DSAB wires, which is what you will need to hook up the D100, D10A, and the HS34. You shouldn't need to add any wires here.

When everything is hooked up via DSAB, you can show the EFIS or HSI on any screen, so you will be able to set it up any way you wish.

If you have an OAT that works with your D10 or D10A, it will work with the D100.

You need to install a different connector for each product to do updates. You will have (3) serial ports in the plane, and when you do an update, you will need to update each product individually.


New Member
Apr 1, 2007
Thanks for the prompt response....
Your comments are noted.
Is the upgrade from 10 to 10a software or hardware?
If hardware do you have any exchange process?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It's a hardware change that requires that your unit come back for upgrade. See http://dynonavionics.com/docs/support_discontinued.html for some additional information about upgrading your EFIS-D10 to an EFIS-D10A.