Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
Hi Again

I am having some problems confirming whether the HSI functionality in the Dynon D100 & HS34 will completely replace the use of a CDI (GI-102A or GI-106A) when connected to a GNS530W.

Is there any reason why I can not do this in an IFR installation in my RV-10?

It has been said that the CDI sends a confirmation message to the GNS530W when the heading bug is equal to the commanded heading but the Dynon does not. Does this not happen with the D100 and HS34 module?

I will keep researching this however I would appreciate your educated response to any items of interest where a D100/HS34 would affect the overall package of the Dynon/Garmin units.

DB :)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The 102A and 106A don't have a heading bug. What they have is an OBS/Course knob, just like any CDI or HSI.

The way the 430/530 works is that when you are in GPS mode, it has a course that is created by the GPS, based on your flight plan. Since the 102/106 is a mechanical indicator, there's no way for the 430/530 to spin the OBS for you to make the heading at the top match the GPS course. Garmin wants you to make the GPS course and the external indicator match, so they warn you when they don't.

This is totally different with an EHSI (electronic HSI). In this case, the GPS just tells the HSI what course to show, and it does so. Since the OBS knob is just an electronic signal instead of mechanical, it can set it. The Dynon EFIS and HS34 system obeys this command.

Even if this wasn't true, the HS34 does send the OBS to the 430/530. This lets you set virtual VOR's in GPS mode and tune the radial when in NAV mode.

The HS34 does have a heading bug as well, but this is not sent to the 430/530 since it doesn't use it in any way. It's more of a pilot/autopilot reference.