EFIS-D10A to Garmin GNC 250XL Connection


New Member
Jan 1, 2008
I attempted to connect my Garmin GNC 250XL to my Dynon EFIS-D10A over the weekend and couldn't get the EFIS to display the GPS information.

I connected Pin 19 (RS232 Out 2) from the DB-37 of the Garmin to Pin 22 (RS232 Rx) from the DB-25 on the Dynon. Is this the only connection between the two that needs to be made (other than the common ground connection)? Did I connect it to the correct pin on the Garmin? The installation manual on the Garmin shows Pin 24 is RS232 Out 1. I assumed there wasn't any difference in the "Out 1" or "Out 2" connections other than their labels and just decided to use the "Out 2" connection on pin 19.

On the EFIS I tried changing baud rates (auto, 4800, 9600) and formats (aviation, NMEA), but nothing made a difference.

Is there anything to set or change menu or software wise on the Garmin? I assume it just transmits the data on the RS232 ports if its turned and tracking satellites.

Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations for how I could get this connection to work? I'm really looking forward to having the wind speed and direction on the EFIS-D10A now that I have the Dynon OAT probe installed.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
On panel-mounted GPSes, usually the ports need to be told what to output explictly. That setup information should be in your Garmin installation manual. We'll work with either NMEA data or Aviation format data.


New Member
Jan 1, 2008
Thanks, that was helpful.

After reviewing the Garmin GNC 250XL installation manual more closely I found the section (4.2.6) that discusses the configuration of the "RS232 Out 2" output on Pin 19.

I think it needs to be set from "off" to "plotting". In the Garmin manual it says this will provide: "serial position, velocity, navigation and satellite data to: NMEA 0183 Version 2.0 compatible mapping device or Garmin PC software."

The beginning of Section 4 of the same manual describes how to get into the test/configuration mode of the 250XL.

I'll try it next time I head out to the airport. Thanks again!