
I love flying!
May 17, 2016
Hello all,
   I received a pretty early D10A (S/N 3896) with it's magnetometer EDC-D10 which I provided to upgrade to the latest firmware as it apparently had a very old one (2.8.6). The upgrade process went smoothly and both the EFIS and EDC were upgraded to parallel versions without a glitch.
My question now is that apparently there is a problem with a barometric sensor as the displayed altitude is always -1200ft and doesn't budge. The anemometer only moves when some slight depression is sensed on the static tube - but nothing happens when gently blowing on the dynamic/pitot port. A slight breeze from a ventilator is enough to budge any instrument but this one doesn't move on this port. Now apparently the instrument was discarded some years ago probably for this reason at this point (I have no clue of it's history) so I was just curious to know if there was some debug or self test mode I could enter to check the capsules' operation and their relevant MCUs. No errors are reported at power-on or during testing. All accelerometers appear fine.
I suspect a faulty component at this point but before abandoning hope any suggestions are welcome! :)


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
There isn't a self-test mode, but from what you're describing we also suspect a sensor issue. We do have an out-of-warranty repair program that you might take advantage of. See http://www.dynonavionics.com/docs/support_returns.html for the costs, and give our support team a call at 425-402-0433 to learn more.


I love flying!
Apr 10, 2015
Along these same lines, I have a new-to-me D6 with a firmware date unknown to me at this time, as I do not have the cables/equipment to be able to power it up and update it.

Will Dynon be offering any type of help at AirVenture for folks like us? If so, I will throw it in and bring it up there.

I would love to see this thing power up and get its software updated, if offered (even for a fee).

Needs a battery too...is the company offering any equipment "deals" at Oshkosh this year?


Rob S.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
For a variety of reasons, we generally do not perform equipment updates at Oshkosh. Also, the D6 hasn't really had much in the way of software updates since its release, so that might not even be necessary. The best way to get your D6 updated / check out is to get in touch with our support department at 425-402-0433 or support at dynonavionics dot com.