I Am nuts for aeroplanes
I want to install an EFIS warning light connected to pin 29 per the installation manual when I get a red level on one of the engine indicators (such as low oil pressure). As far as I can tell, the light will come on and stay on until I do something to reduce the exceedance. Is there a way I can have a reset or acknowledge button or ? to extinguish the light and then have it armed to come on again when another exceedance occurs? I don't want to have to go thru the routine with the 5 buttons to clear the warning. I want something simple.
Related to this is installing the AURAL warning, Is this a tone, a generated voice ("low oil pressure"), or what? And can it be easily reset?
Related to this is installing the AURAL warning, Is this a tone, a generated voice ("low oil pressure"), or what? And can it be easily reset?