EFIS wiring

  • Thread starter Dave Dollarhide(Guest)
  • Start date

Dave Dollarhide(Guest)

I've just installed my D10A and as advised in the instructions wired it through a 2 amp fuse.  Since I didn't order the internal battery, I did not connect the "stay alive" wire and also did not install a separate power switch.  The unit comes on when I turn on the master switch without my pressing the unit's power button.  I assume this in normal, but can I have problems with power spikes during engine start?  Should I install a separate power switch in the Dynon circuit?  If not, should I turn off the EFIS before engine start?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The EFIS is indeed designed to come alive when power is applied.

Many customers install the EFIS in exactly the same electrical configuration you have set up. The unit will not be damaged by having it on during engine start, but it may reboot if the voltage momentarily drops below 10V.

Also, since you did not purchase the internal battery, you may want to connect the keep alive wire to power the clock when your master switch is off. Otherwise it will reset after every power cycle.

Dave Dollarhide(Guest)

Thanks for the quick reply. You've eased my mind about any power spike problem during engine start. Can you also tell me if, as a matter of practice, it's OK to turn off the aircraft master switch without first shutting down the EFIS with it's own power button?


New Member
May 2, 2006
Hi, I just bought a D10A and decided to wire it myself..all I have is the pwr supply and pc connection..I'm confused re: the pc connection..my laptop has a 15 pin connector(printer?) and usb ports..no serial (rs232)..I read in a previous post that he had purchased and serial to usb from Radio Shack. Do I,  as shown in install manual, go from D25 pin#9,10,22 to 5,2,3 of th rs232 female, then a "dongle" male rs232 to usb?  thanks..jacksie


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Jacksie,

You've got it. We also have USB-serial converters available for $20.

Marv Miniely(Guest)

I’m doing the wiring on my RV6a and I have the SteinAir wiring harness for my EFIS D10A. I need to check some wiring things before I proceed.

1. To connect the encoder…do I just attach the Blue/White and White leads from the EFIS 25 pin connector to the Green and Black leads respectively from the encoder? (I already have the other leads of the encoder connected to the transponder connector.)

2. I am using the EFIS as a stand alone unit. Am I right in thinking I can just bend over and heat shrink the three ends of the Databus leads…Blue/Green twisted pair and Black (22awg)?

3. Is the very short Black/White (“Ground for shielded braid”) just grounded to the nearest point on the airframe?

ps.....I am not able to sign in....keep getting a user name/password missmatch error...then tried password reminder and got another error.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
1) Yes. Just as long as you mean the green and black leads on our encoder converter module, and not some other, stand-alone altitude encoder.

2) Yes, you can just protect and stow those wires as you describe.

3) Yes, that stub is the shield for the EDC wire. Simply ground it.

Marv Miniely(Guest)

Yes. I'm using your encoder.
Thanks a ton.

Marv Miniely(Guest)

Hello again,

I'm installing the OAT probe. The Wiring Instructions read as follows:

"Connect the blue wire/shield combination to the same ground that feeds the EDC-D10A through pin 1."

The white wire in the EDC cable goes to pin 1. That wire already has a female pin attached. Does the foregoing instruction mean that I splice the blue wire/shield of the OAT cable onto the white wire of the EDC cable so that the blue wire/shield of the OAT cable are connected to pin 1 of the EDC connector?

I checked the white wire with an ohm-meter. It is not going to ground unless it goes to ground within the EFIS which is not at present connected. So, I'm just confused.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You've got it right. The blue/shield combination should be spliced into the white wire.

The white wire does get grounded through the EFIS. In fact, you should have continuity between that wire and the EFIS main ground (pin 3).

Marv Miniely(Guest)

Hi. I do NOT have that continuity between the white wire on the EDC cable and pin 3 on the EFIS connector. I already have pin 3 grounded. It was because I could not find continuity between the white wire and ground that I was confused. I checked the end of the white wire directly to pin 3 on the connector and do not have continuity. All of this is without the connector attached to the EFIS. Do I have a problem?


Marv Miniely(Guest)

Hi again....ok....when I connect the connector to the EFIS then white on the EDC cable is connected to ground. Guess that means I have no problem.

Thanks a ton,
