EFISD100 - Magnatometer quits after 20 minutes


New Member
Jan 20, 2009
I hve a EFIS D100 and related EMS.  I had the EMS repaired about 6 months ago, with new software, then updated software on the EFIS to match and everything worked fine.

However, in the past few weeks, after about 20 minutes of flying/use, the I get a message on the EFIS that the Magnatometer has lost its connection, and as a result the EFIS does not display any heading/navigation data (the rest of the EFIS works normally). If the EFIS is turned off (recycled) in flight, or left off for a while and restarted is works fine, but again loses the magnetic magnatometer connection after about 20 minutes

Any ideas, the EFIS has always worked ok before, the problems only appears after the EFIS has warmed up and has been used about 20 minutes


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Sounds like you may have an issue with one of the chips, either on the EFIS or EDC, that drives communication between the two. One way we may be able to narrow things down would be to get another EDC in your hands to test with your setup. Give tech support a call at 425-402-0433 to troubleshoot this one further.