I am working on installing SV in a '51 C35. Just finishing up the old wiring before assembling the new panel on the bench. I want to finish up as much as possible the wiring for the EMS-220 before putting in the new panel. Popping in the tach resistors makes sense but getting a landing gear up and down positions run off of the old red/green up/down lights in the marque post housing. There is no pot for voltages as there is no sender and no in-transition light. I am looking for a simple way to have at least a full up/down on the screen and figure someone here has run into this before. Put a resistor in a line from the down contact of the green light of the switch when it sees voltage? No volts would mean an up and any voltage would mean a down that's configurable in the parameter settings? As normal, I figured a lot of rewiring on this old panel but I don't want to modify ANOTHER system just to get an up/down on the screen.