EMS 220 Pin 8


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
Hi All,

On page 7-19 Table 25 (yes I do read the manual...Just Kidding) the Lycoming 6 cylinder example shows that the Fuel Pressure sensor 100411-001 is supposed to be connected to pin 8.

Since pin 8 is a highly coveted "C" pin so the question I have is does the 100411-001 really need to be connected to pin 8 (because of its low voltage output) or can I connect it to any general purpose "A" pin???

There are only 4 "C" pins and I need all 4 to be used for low voltage output sensors.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Our suggestion of Pin 8 is a legacy from our earlier EMS products. On the EMS-D10, EMS-D120, and FlightDEK-D180 37-pin connector, Pin 8 was a dedicated Fuel Pressure input. On SkyView, we (mostly) maintained backwards compatibility with those units. Normally, a device like a Kavlico, that outputs voltage, would require a Type C input, but because of the particular electronics of the Kavlico sensors, they can be connected to any of the general purpose inputs, Type A, B, or C.

Those pins, for easy reference, are:
Type A: 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, and 21.
Type B: 6
Type C: 8, 22, 23, and 31

Hi All,

On page 7-19 Table 25 (yes I do read the manual...Just Kidding) the Lycoming 6 cylinder example shows that the Fuel Pressure sensor 100411-001 is supposed to be connected to pin 8. 

Since pin 8 is a highly coveted "C" pin so the question I have is does the 100411-001 really need to be connected to pin 8 (because of its low voltage output) or can I connect it to any general purpose "A" pin???

There are only 4 "C" pins and I need all 4 to be used for low voltage output sensors.
