EMS and Transponder


Aug 4, 2011
I just applied power to the Skyviews yesterday and it could not find the EMS or the Transponder. I checked the power to the transponder and it was fine and the EMS is just connected to the Hub.

On the Transponder, I did serial runs to both skyviews. The wiring of the transponder is just a tad different than the GPS as where you leave the transponder on a transmit Serial line and connect it to a receive line on the Skyview and vise versa for the Transponder Receive to the Skyview Transmit serial.
I will verify these runs today but I did check them when I wired up the GPS as I thought well maybe I messed up on the transponder.
The EMS I have no ides... yet.

Thanks for any help.
Jack Hunt


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Have you done any software configuration for the Transponder or the EMS? They don't just appear once wired up.

For the transponder, you need to have set up the correct serial port and told SkyView that it's the transponder. You know you have done this if you have the transponder status on the top of the screen, and the XPNDR menu at the bottom. If you have a red-X up top, then the transponder is not talking.

For the EMS, you must to a network configuration while it's plugged in for the system to find it.