EMS D-120 Display Erratic


New Member
Jun 7, 2007

I had a problem occur yesterday that I have not seen before on these forums. I have a EFIS D10A connected to a EMS D-120 via the null modem & gender changer. Have had the EFIS for about a year, and installed the EMS about 2 months ago. Everything has worked great so far.

Normally, on the the EMS, the Dynon “logo” screen comes up about 2 seconds after the EFIS logo screen, after power is applied simultaneously to both. Yesterday, the EFIS screen came up normally, but the EMS stayed dark for about 30 seconds, and then came on and seemed to operate normally. About 10 minutes into the flight, the EMS display went blank, and then came up very dim, and in colors negative to the normal colors. (It actually looked like a color photo negative.) Not only that, it started cyling through the various screens at about one screen per second. It did this for about a minute, and then went blank.

I landed and cycled the power to the both, and they seemed to work normally then. Went back today and tried to replicate it, but everything seems to be working fine.

Is it possible for something like this to be a one-time event? Can you think of anything that could cause it?

By the way, on the EMS boot up, the standard blue logo screen comes up, and then it momentarily changes to a black screen with the Dynon logo in red before the instruments come up. It has always done this. Is it normal?

Thanks for any info or suggestions you can provide.

JD Domenick


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
"That's very odd" (the exact words of one of our engineers).

We haven't seen behavior quite like that before. We don't like to say that behavior like that may happen once and never come back, because it's a strange enough thing that we're just not sure.

At the same time, it sounds like the sort of thing we'd have trouble replicating here.

Our advice for the moment is to keep an eye on it, and if you have further problems, give us a call at 425-402-0433 to set up a return authorization so that we can take a look at it.

The blue-black-red flicker on startup is normal.


New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Thanks for the response. That sounds like the best course of action to me too, as I tested it some more today and everything seems normal. Will keep an eye on it and get back in touch if the behavior returns.
